Charting New Horizons in Digital Procurement

Cultivating Excellence, Together

Unite with World of Procurement for a Future-Forward Leap

"Crafting Tomorrow's Procurement Landscape, Today"

Our Milestones Reflect Our Journey

Let's take a moment to talk about our journey this year, just like we're sharing insights over a casual coffee chat. World of Procurement in 2023? It's more than just growth; it's becoming a central hub where procurement pros come for the kind of content that truly resonates.

Picture this: Daniel's LinkedIn content has pulled in an incredible 4.4 million views. That's millions of moments where we've connected with folks you want to connect with, sharing knowledge that shapes the industry. It's not just a number. It's countless conversations and exchanges, all contributing to a stronger, more informed procurement community.

Each World of Procurement LinkedIn post has struck a chord, reaching 64,500 views. That tells us we're hitting the mark with topics you care about, with insights that spark real thought and action. The story is similar with our Substack articles which have been viewed over 129,000 times by professionals diving deep into the discussions that matter.

Now, let’s talk YouTube. Our channel? It's taken off — 92,000 views and counting, with a solid 1,800 hours of watch time and 2,000 new subscribers this year alone. That's a testament to the value we're bringing to the screen, whether it's breaking down complex strategies or highlighting the latest trends.

These aren't just numbers. They're proof that we're building something special together — a place where every view contributes to a larger picture of learning, sharing, and leading in procurement. It's about creating a space where we all can thrive, innovate, and lead the charge into tomorrow's procurement landscape, together.

It's honestly quite the ride, and it's all because we've got each other in this community. Each piece of content, every view, like, and share is a step forward for us. Here's to us continuing this journey, side by side, toward a future where procurement isn't just a department, but a game changer. All thanks to the collective wisdom of pros like you.