Episode 6: The Power of Group Purchasing and Talking Una

How are our members, and future members getting value ...what does it look like to work with or work through a GPO
— Anthony Clervi
Anthony Clervi

Anthony Clervi is a Sourcing Hero Advocate who helps companies saving money and time through the power of Group Purchasing, through his company Una. Anthony is a true entrepreneur and investor who is an expert when it comes to Group Purchasing.

Anthony provides a deep dive of expertise into Group Purchasing Organisations in general and how is Company, Una does things a bit differently.

Anthony uses language such as “Sourcing Hero” and “Partner” rather than Procurement Professional or Supplier and why Anthony, and Una, want to support both the Buyer and Supplier side of market.

Anthony was incredible to speak to and is one of the most passionate entrepreneurs I’ve spoken with to date.

Make sure you take a screenshot when you’re listening to the show, post it on LinkedIn and tag @World of Procurement so we can show you some love. 

You can find Anthony Clervi Here:



Anthony’s Website


Episode 7: Making Procurement Cool with the Procurement Foundry


Episode 5: Protecting the Bottom Line and Digital Procurement