Episode 13: Crowdsourcing Procurement Ideas using Procurement League

Crowdsourcing Procurement Ideas using Procurement League

Rajiv Gupta is the Vice-President and Found of Right Sourcing Solutions Ltd, a Pragmatic Procurement and Sourcing Business. In addition to that and the focus of this World of Procurement Podcast, Rajiv is the Founding Partner of Procurement League.

Our conversation is a deep dive into what Procurement League is, how you can get involved and what it achieves. Procurement League is easily accessible. All you need to do is download the app on your phone and make a free account. This is even easier as you can just use your LinkedIn account to login. 

Free is also a key part of Procurement League. Rajiv has a vision that knowledge should be freely passed along and he’s created Procurement League to be the place you go to have your Procurement questions answered. 

I enjoyed talking with Rajiv. Rajiv has a clear vision, is executing on it and I think that what he is doing with Procurement League is sublime.

You can find Rajiv and Procurement League here:

Rajiv LinkedIn

Procurement League


Episode 14: Marketing Procurement is not about Cost Savings


Episode 12: Propelling Procurement into the 21st Century